Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Click on the Dwonload link-->wait for 5 sec-->skip add-->Dwonload the Ebook

1) Anterior Cruciate Lingament Injury and Prevention---------> Dwonload
2) Anterior Cruciate Ligament( ACL Tear)-----------------------> Dwonload
3) Anterior cruciate Ligament reconstruction---------------------> Dwonload
4) ACL Preventation--------------------------------------------------> Dwonload
5) ACL injury rehabilitation(physio)-------------------------------> Dwonload
6) Rehabilitation following ACL tear------------------------------> Dwonload
7) Physiotherapy Advise in ACL tear------------------------------> Dwonload


  1. Please post ppt on prenatal and post natal exercises..

  2. This article is a very educative one and it is very eye opening. Welldone!
    ACL tear
